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GetTerms Guides

Drones and the GDPR: 4 Privacy Principles To Follow


18 May 2021

Rebecca Shaw Product & Customer Support

Rebecca Shaw avatar

As popular as drones have become in recent years, they pose an increasing threat to people’s privacy. Here’s how drone-based businesses can maintain compliance with the GDPR.

Illustration of a drone with camera and GetTerms logo

7 ways you can protect your privacy on social media


9 October 2020

Rebecca Shaw Product & Customer Support

Rebecca Shaw avatar

To avoid getting hacked, scammed, or threatened by criminals online and offline, here are 7 easy ways you can protect your personal information on social media.

Illustration of a mobile device surrounded by eyes

Does my website need a privacy policy?


4 October 2019

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

As a business owner, app developer or blogger unsure about what a privacy policy is, what information is required, and whether you actually needs on, here's a simple breakdown of what you need to know.

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