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How to use our Impressum template

  1. Replace any [placeholder text], with your specific details.
  2. Ensure that your Impressum is relevant to your business practices.

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Impressum Template

This Impressum is provided in compliance with the requirements of the Telemedia Act (TMG).

A. Owner and Operator

  • Name: [Your name or company name]
  • Address: [Your full address]
  • Phone: [Your phone number]
  • Email: [Your email address]
  • Website: [Your website URL]

B. Business Registration

  • Register Court: [Court where registered]
  • Registration Number: [Registration number]
  • VAT Identification Number: [Your VAT ID, if applicable]

C. Supervisory Authority (if applicable)

  • Name and Address: [Supervisory authority details]

D. Professional Regulations (if applicable)

  • [Details of any professional regulations applicable to your business]

E. Responsible for Content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (if applicable)

  • [Name]
  • [Address]

F. Optional Information

  • Fax: [Your Fax Number, if applicable]
  • Capitalization Information: [Information regarding share capital or similar, if applicable]
  • Domestic Tax Identification Number: [Your domestic tax ID, if applicable]

G. Disclaimer

This Impressum serves as a legal disclosure according to German law (TMG). It is designed to provide visitors with essential information about the website owner/operator. The contents of this Impressum may be subject to change based on legal requirements or business updates. For any questions regarding this Impressum or its content, please contact us using the information provided above.

What Is an Impressum?

An Impressum is a statement identifying the ownership and authorship of published content, which is legally required in all online and print media in German-speaking countries. For businesses with an online presence, an Impressum requires them to disclose the contact information of the website or business owner and some basic information about the company.

By requiring companies to identify themselves, Impressums help protect user data, combat copyright issues, and reduce unwanted spam marketing. The word “Impressum” is adopted from German with Latin origins, meaning “to impress or to engrave,” and the closest English equivalents are:

  • Legal notice
  • Imprint
  • Masthead
  • ‘About us’ page

An Impressum is essentially a statement of ownership and authorship. It was implemented to protect user data and combat illegal content and spam by making website owners identify themselves, and as a result, assume responsibility for the content on their platform.

Do I Need an Impressum?

Yes. If you operate a commercial website or social media page in Germany, the German Telemedia Act requires you to have an Impressum. This requirement applies regardless of whether your website has a .de domain. The same rules apply to foreign companies targeting German consumers. Austria and Switzerland have similar requirements, so compliance with the German Telemedia Act generally ensures compliance in these countries as well.

An Impressum is akin to a business’s privacy policy, but privacy policies are more extensive and required by data privacy laws in more countries. For private pages, such as personal blogs that do not generate income, an Impressum is not required.

Is an Impressum Legally Required?

The Impressum is legally required on all commercial websites (including Facebook business pages) published in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), whether the website is published via a .de top-level domain or not. The point can be made that if you simply have a personal blog without ads and make no money from it, then the Impressum is not required.

Does My Website Need an Impressum?

Yes. Every commercially operated website must include a legal disclosure—no exceptions. This requirement, known as Impressumspflicht, applies to all instances of a corporation’s online presence.

Does My Company Need an Impressum?

Website owners have long been obligated to operate transparently, even before the GDPR came into effect in 2018. Users should be able to access information about and contact those responsible for a website’s content. Over the years, the laws governing this disclosure have become stricter to better protect data and prevent cybercrime.

In the early days of the Internet, it was difficult to find information about website operators. Consumers often had no way to identify or take legal action against fraudulent sites. Legislative reforms have since addressed this issue. Legal disclosures help consumers take legal measures in case of disputes, offering protection from a legal standpoint.


A properly written Impressum offers several key advantages:

  1. Legal Protection: It helps protect your company from potential legal warnings (Abmahnungen), ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
  2. Trust Building: An Impressum fosters trust with your website visitors. According to a 2017 Bitkom survey, nearly half of the participants considered a website’s legal disclosure a crucial factor in assessing its integrity.
  3. Direct Communication: It provides visitors with a direct way to contact you, potentially resolving issues before they escalate into legal disputes.

What Should Be Included

According to the Telemedia Act, you should include the following details in an Impressum:

  1. The name of the owner or manager of your business/page
  2. Your registered business address
  3. Contact information (e.g., phone number, email address)
  4. Business registration information (including register name and registration number)
  5. VAT ID number or trade registry number, if applicable

Impressum Location

Your Impressum must always be accessible to your users, so consider the following places:

  • The footer of your website
  • Within your privacy center or legal page
  • Linked in other documents, such as your privacy policy and terms and conditions

Ensure your Impressum is clearly labeled, as the Telemedia Act mandates that the link be “easily recognizable.”

Impressum Design

Your website’s legal disclosure can’t be hidden. It must be ‘easily recognizable, immediately reachable, and constantly accessible’ – but what does that mean for your website’s design?

Even if there are no exact legal specifications for how an Impressum should be integrated into a website, the following requirements must be met:

  • Reachable from every subpage
  • Reachable via a clickable link that is titled ‘Legal disclosure’ or ‘Impressum’
  • Reachable via a link in a fixed sidebar menu or the header or footer section of the website
  • Always accessible

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When designing your website’s Impressum, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Vague designations: Using general terms like ‘legal’ or ‘contact’ does not fulfill the legal criterion of being ‘easily recognizable.’
  2. Hidden legal disclosures: Placing your legal disclosure in a pop-up window or making it an item in a drop-down menu does not make it ‘immediately reachable.’
  3. Disclosures only on the homepage: Your Impressum must be integrated into elements like the header or footer that appear on all pages.

Impressum & Facebook

Facebook has a feature allowing businesses to make an Impressum on their public pages to help companies in German-speaking countries easily comply with the law. An Impressum on Facebook is a section on the “About” page that displays a business’s contact information and legal identification numbers. To add an Impressum to your Facebook page:

  • Click Pages in the left menu of your News Feed.
  • Go to your Page and click Edit Page Info.
  • Scroll to the More section and enter your business information in the Impressum field.
  • Click Save Changes.

You should now see your Impressum and all relevant information directly on your About page.

Additional Information for Specific Cases

There are certain cases where your company may need to provide supplementary information in the Impressum:

  • Editorial content: Responsible editors’ names and places of residence must be provided.
  • Trades requiring a license: Addresses and contact details of the relevant supervisory authorities must be included.
  • Occupations requiring association membership: Professionals like tax advisers or doctors must include their association’s address and contact information.
  • Online merchants and e-commerce: Must include a link to the EU dispute settlement body and an email address for customer complaints.

Optional Information:

Some details are optional for inclusion in the Impressum:

  • Fax number
  • Capitalization information
  • Domestic tax identification number (unless you have a VAT ID number, which must be provided)

Legal Grey Areas

There are still many nuances in creating a legally watertight Impressum. For example, whether a telephone number should be included has been debated in court. While the European Court of Justice requires another immediate and efficient communication method in addition to an email address, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a telephone number. Reliable alternatives include a cell phone number.

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