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GetTerms Guides

What is a “data controller”?


28 January 2020

Michael Rubin Policy Manager

Michael Rubin avatar

To comply with the GDPR, it’s important to understand who can be classified as a data controller and what their obligations are.

BlogPost 8 DataController

Do I need to comply with the GDPR?


9 December 2019

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

The GDPR impacts any business that engages with individuals or other businesses located within those boundaries.

BlogPost 7 GDPR

Why is everyone updating their privacy policy?


12 November 2019

Catherine Tan Product Manager

Catherine Tan avatar

Since the GDPR came into effect in 2018, businesses are reviewing their operational practices and privacy policies to comply with the new regulation.

BlogPost 6 GDPR

What is my “data footprint”?


15 October 2019

Michael Rubin Policy Manager

Michael Rubin avatar

Your data footprint is the total geographical area in which your customers’ data is stored and processed. We ask this information to ensure your privacy policy is GDPR-ready.

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Does log data count as personal data?


8 October 2019

Catherine Tan Product Manager

Catherine Tan avatar

While your website or app server logs may not collect information that could personally identify a user, this information may be combined with other data to do so.

BlogPost 3

Does my website need a privacy policy?


4 October 2019

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

As a business owner, app developer or blogger unsure about what a privacy policy is, what information is required, and whether you actually needs on, here's a simple breakdown of what you need to know.

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