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GetTerms Guides

Does my website need a Terms of Service?


13 May 2020

Michael Rubin Policy Manager

Michael Rubin avatar

You’re not legally required to have a terms of service statement, but it’s a good idea to have one in place to protect your business and address user concerns.

Illustration of document

How do I report a privacy violation?


15 April 2020

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

At some point in the future, your personal information and privacy may be compromised or processed without your consent. But how can you report a privacy violation, and who is responsible for enforcing the law?

Illustration of lock with a symbol of an asterisk in a red circle over the top

What does it mean to be GDPR compliant?


10 April 2020

Michael Rubin Policy Manager

Michael Rubin avatar

It takes more than a GDPR-ready privacy policy to be compliant with the GDPR. Your business may need to overhaul its entire approach to collecting and managing user data.

Illustration of folder with documents, stars from EU flag in the background

Do I need a cookie banner on my website?


4 March 2020

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

Cookie consent pop-ups are everywhere, but why are they taking over the internet and when is cookie consent actually required for your website?

Illustration of a web page with a cookie on top

The Legal Risks of User Generated Content (UGC)


4 March 2020

Catherine Tan Product Manager

Catherine Tan avatar

User-generated content is key to thriving online communities, but businesses should be aware of the implications for online privacy and protection of copyright.

Illustration of two documents with a lock on top

What is a “data controller”?


28 January 2020

Michael Rubin Policy Manager

Michael Rubin avatar

To comply with the GDPR, it’s important to understand who can be classified as a data controller and what their obligations are.

BlogPost 8 DataController

Do I need to comply with the GDPR?


9 December 2019

Henry William Senior Product Manager

Henry William avatar

The GDPR impacts any business that engages with individuals or other businesses located within those boundaries.

BlogPost 7 GDPR